OPEN DAILY 11:00AM to 10:00PM


Washer Toss

Washer Toss can be played with either two or four players. To set up, place the target boxes 20 feet apart. The game can be played one-on-one, where players throw from opposite ends, or two-on-two, with teammates standing across from each other. The objective is to score points by tossing washers into the target box. During gameplay, players alternate throwing washers into the target box in any manner they choose, with each player throwing all their washers before the round concludes.


Three Points: Washer in the center pipe
One Point: Washer in the box
No Points: Washer outside the box

Alternatively, use this scoring system:

Three Points: Washer in the center pipe
Two Points: Washer in the box
One Point: Washer outside the box, within one washer length of the box

Points are netted each round. This means each team’s points are subtracted from each other, and only the team with the higher score receives points for that round. For example, if Blue scores six points and Red scores four, Blue gets two points.

The first team to reach 21 points wins!


Washers that bounce into the box are allowed. To win, a player or team must reach 21 points. Optionally, you can play with the skunk rule: if a player or team scores 11 or more points before their opponent, they win the game.