OPEN DAILY 11:00AM to 10:00PM


Axe Throwing

Parlore Golf isn’t just about golf simulators—we offer a variety of exciting indoor activities, with axe throwing being a standout experience. No prior experience is needed to enjoy this thrilling sport!

We have one single lane and two double lanes for axe throwing, each enclosed with chain-link fencing for a safe yet open atmosphere. The lanes are set up for both 12-foot and 14-foot throwing distances, and all our axes are of official throwing size. Please remember to wear closed-toe shoes for safety.


Before you start, make sure to complete our Waiver Form


  • Axe Throwing:
    1 Hour – $21.99 per person
    2 Hours – $40.98 per person


  • Axes: Only use the axes provided by us; outside axes or weapons are not permitted.
  • Throw Line: Keep your back foot behind the black throw line for points to count. You may step over the line with your other foot.
  • Red Safety Line: Do not cross the red safety line while axes are in play.
  • Bar Top: Spectators and non-throwing participants must stay behind the safety ledges at the bar top during play.
  • Throwing: Two or more participants can play at once, but only one person may use the lane at a time. Points are tallied after each throw, with only one axe thrown at a time in each lane.
  • Retrieving Axes: Axes may only be retrieved once both players have thrown. You may not cross the safety line if an axe is still to be thrown. To unstick an axe, pull it down and against the target before removing it.
  • Scoring: Points are indicated on the target board. If both players score the same, those points cancel out. The player with the highest score after 10 turns wins.

We also host leagues and tournaments throughout the year. Join us for some competitive fun!